I’ve been thinking a lot lately about health and its effects on behavior. In part, this is because my entire family is sick, and the catalyst to taking everyone to the doctor was the baby wheezing and the toddler’s more violent behavior change. What used to set off whining now set off temper tantrums, including hitting, kicking, and biting. Now that he’s on meds, he’s back to his usual sweet, two-year old self. If you think about it, don’t you get irritable when you don’t feel well?

I’ve also been seeing some cases where medical issues are impacting behavior. One dog I was working with had some severe aggression. After three passes through the vet, we found out she had a parasite causing some extremely irritating itching. We figured out that even though the parasite wasn’t the whole cause of the bad behavior, it was certianly contributing. Treating the parasite helped us treat the behavior, and this little doggie is well on her way to recovery. Another dog I met was dealing with some pretty serious pain. When he was tired and stressed, he used his teeth as the only method he could think of to let us know he didn’t feel like continuing to work. 

Whenever there is a sudden unexplained behavioral change, one of the first things I think of is a possible medical cause. That’s why I often send people with sudden behavior problems to the vet as one of the first things I tell them. Without treating the underlying medical condition (if there is one), it is very difficult, if not impossible, to treat the behavior. By treating medical condition and behavior simultaneously, you get a much better, more thorough, and often faster result. 

So look closely at your pet if you see a sudden shift in behavior. Does your dog have an ear infection or some medical condition causing pain? Does your cat have a urinary tract infection, leading him to urinate outside of the box? Take them to a vet, tell them what you’re seeing, and ask for a thorough health check- not a cursory overview. Being thorough pays off- as does a holistic treatment of health and behavior together.